Cannabis Cloning: A Complete How-To Manual


Consider cloning cannabis instead of starting from seed if you currently produce your own marijuana plants for personal use or for medical purposes. If not, consider doing so.

The genetics of a plant’s growth and output can be easily maintained from one generation to the next by cloning. Your grow will need to get off to a normal start, but once it gets rolling, you won’t need to buy seeds ever again.

Honest Marijuana’s cannabis specialists provide all the information you need about this special growing technique in this post.

What Is Cannabis Cloning?

When a plant is at its blossoming stage, a portion is taken off, replanted, and nurtured until it sprouts and grows on its own. This procedure is known as cloning.

Because cutting and replanting produces an exact replica of the original plant (referred to as the daughter and mother, respectively), scientists refer to this process as cloning.

Although it might not seem important, the daughter plant will have the same DNA and growth traits as the mother.

Therefore, if you clone a mother plant that yields a lot of blooms with high concentrations of the desired cannabinoid, the likelihood that the daughter plant will do the same is likely to be high – all without having to invest money and time starting from seed.

Furthermore, because the seed itself has slightly different DNA than the mother plant from which it was grown, cloning cannabis is very different from developing a new plant from seed. I’m sorry, but that’s simply how plant biology functions.

For instance, you might be let down if you take a seed from a mother plant that yields plenty of flowers with high amounts of the desired cannabinoid and nurture it to maturity in a container of soil in the hopes of obtaining the same qualities in the new plant.

Numerous blooms may be produced by the following generation, although minute genetic differences may limit the content of the desired cannabinoid. All the characteristics you loved about the original plant will eventually alter if you keep gathering seeds from subsequent generations.

On the other hand, cannabis cloning maintains the genetics, growth properties, and plant traits from one generation to the next.

How to Start a Cloning Business Cannabis cloning Select the Correct Plant
Not all cannabis varieties are suitable cloning candidates.

In actuality, not all plants from the same strain constitute suitable cloning candidates.

How then can you locate the best mother plant to cut?

The main line is this: To increase your bud yield, pick a plant with the proper mix of traits.

Yes, the strain matters since it affects both general growth characteristics and the effects you want the finished product to have (i.e., whether it will be used for medicinal or recreational purposes).

However, while cloning cannabis, it’s more crucial to identify a single plant within the chosen strain that exhibits a particular set of characteristics.

We advise growing cannabis from clones of a plant that:

  • In the vegetative stage, grows fast and strongly.
  • In the early stages of the blossoming cycle, grows fast and enthusiastically.
  • a lot of stems and bud sites are growing
  • reaches a medium height
  • not a type of autoflowering plant

Why do we advocate for these qualities?

because after you cut off a piece for cloning, plants that develop slowly frequently require a long time to restart, re-veg, and get going again. Because of this, we prefer to clone plants that blossom and vegetate quickly.

Similar to this, you want to pick a plant that develops many stems and bud locations with the least amount of outside intervention. Why? Because getting as many blossoms from a single plant as possible is essentially the whole goal of cloning cannabis.

When you identify a plant that produces a lot of stems and bud sites, all the clones that were cut from the original plant will inherit this attribute and provide the high yield you desire.

The original plant’s height should be the last thing to take into account. A mother plant that is too small (because it will have a hard time resuming) or too tall (because the daughter might be even taller) is not what you want.

Select a medium-height plant that meets the other criteria on the list above for the best growth and yield.

Additionally, as we previously stated, never attempt to clone an auto flowering strain. You cannot compel these cannabis plants to re-vegetate because light exposure has no effect on them.

For illustration, suppose you germinate five seeds in order to clone a high-CBD/low-THC strain like Harlequin.

Keep an eye out for a plant or plants that show the traits we listed above: quick, robust development in the vegetative stage and early portion of the flowering stage, lots of stems and bud sites, medium height, and is not an autoflowering variety.

Just bear in mind that not all plants will exhibit these traits.

You may only purchase one or two plants that meet the requirements, and you may only take one or two cuts from those plants. However, those will develop into whole new plants that you didn’t already have.

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